Things you should know
There are more than
twenty sheep for every person living in New-Zealand
The Swiss eat more
cheese per head of population than any other nations
Ice-cream was
invented in 1620
There is a place in
Norway called Hell. (1 ticket for Hell please,first class)
Cats cannnot taste
sweet food
When flies take
off, they jump backwards
Blond people have
more hair on their head than dark-haired people
There are more than
28000000 cats in the USA
No piece of paper
can be folded in half more then 7 times.
Men building the
tomb of Ramseses III in the twelfth century BC
wenton strike for higher pay
wenton strike for higher pay
Incas used to eat
At Chrismas 1969
black snow fell in Sweden (1969, turn the 9 upside down = 666)
Mary, Queen of
Scots, was said te be a skilful billiards player
Warm water freezes
more quickly than cold water
Napoleon was afraid
of cats (Lucky he didn't go to the USA)
In 1820, a man sold
his wife in the cattle market for 25p (wouldn't you wish you could do that?)
Los Angeles contains more cars then people
There are about
1000 diffrent words for camel in Arabic
Snails can sleep
for 3 years without waking up
Male monkeys
sometimes go bald, just like men do (hehehe!)
The Roman Emperor
Caligula made his horse a senator
The sea-urchin
walks on the tips of its teeth
A spider's web
applied to a bleeding wound helps the blood to clot (NOT the spider, the web!)
English to Chinese Translation!
Are you harboring a
fugitive?---Hu Yu Hai Ding?
See me
A.S.A.P.------------ Kum Hia Nao
Man-----------------Dum Gai
Horse----------------Tai Ni Po Ni
Your price is too
high!!--------No Bai Dam Thing!!
Did you go to the
beach?------Wai Yu So Tan?
I bumped into a
coffee table---Bang Mai Ni
I think you need a
facelift-----Chin Tu Fat
It's very dark in
here---------Wai So Dim?
Has your flight
been delayed?---Hao Long Wei Ting?
An unauthorized
execution------Lin Ching
I thought you were
on a diet----Wai Yu Mun Ching?
This is a tow away
zone------- No Pah King
You are not very
bright--------Yu So Dum
I got this for
free------------Ai No Pei
I am not
guilty---------------Wai Hang Mi?
Please, stay a
while longer----Wai Go Nao?
Our meeting was
scheduled next week-- Wai Yu Kum Nao
They have
arrived------------Hia Dei Kum
Stay out of
sight-------------Lei Lo
He's cleaning his
automobile-----Wa Shing Ka
Your body odor is
offensive------Hu Man Go!
Pew! does this
bathroom stink!----Hu Flung Dung?
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