Thursday, May 2, 2013

Grade change form


Dear Professor,

My grade in ____ should be raised from _____ to ____ because:

1. There must be a mistake somewhere.

2. I was not well at the time of the examination.

3. My mind always goes blank during an examination.

4. This mark ruined my prospect of getting a scholarship.

5. This is the only course in which I received a poor grade

6. This mark grieved my mother (or Father). whose pride I am.

7. Conditions in the room were not conductive to concentration.

8. The examination was unfair and unfairly distributed over the subject

9. I have to work after school and nights; therefore I should be given a break.

10. I am married; therefore, I should be given a break.

11. I would have done much better if I had taken the examination give to one of the other sections.

12. Several people around me copied from my paper during the examination yet they received higher marks than I did. Surely this is not fair.

13. The reason I did not do better is because I am very honest. I do no wish to say anything against any other members of the class.

14. I know many of the class members who do not work as hard as I do an who got a better grade. I am recognized among my classmates as a good student - you just ask any one of them.

15. The question were ambiguous, and therefore, my answers should be graded according to the reasonable interpretations that I made of your questions.

16. Many of the questions could not be answered with straight facts; they were matters of opinion. I do not believe I should be penalize just because my opinions differ from those of the instructor.

17. I have studied this subject from the broad philosophical viewpoint and therefore, I was unable to answer your technical-based question

18. I am philosophically oriented to the realm of ideas; I respond to the sweep and scope of great intellects. My work is beyond the interest in petty details and parrot-like memorizing of those who are merely students

19. At the time of the exam, I was suffering from a severe case of cognitive dissonance and was incapable of coping with the stress of the hour.

20. It is not a higher mark I seek; I care nothing about marks; I think marks are wicked and I disapprove of them. However, this pernicious system of which I am a victim requires marks for achieving success and therefore, I seek a higher mark.

Thank you,



Monthly overall work evaluation

Name: _____________________     Date: _______
KNOWLEDGE:__ Really knows what he's doing.
          __ Knows just enough to be dangerous.
          __ Only half a brain and is dangerous.
          __ His coffee cup has a higher I.Q.
ACCURACY: __ Does excellent work is not preoccupied.
          __ Pretty good accuracy with large numbers.
          __ Must take off shoes to count above ten.
          __ What's a number?
ATTITUDE: __ Extremely co-operative.
          __ Brown noser in good standing.
          __ Often annoys co-workers and fights.
          __ Doesn't care, never did, never will.
RELIABILE:__ Works so hard he gets extra days off.
          __ Very dependable.
          __ Rely on his being first one out the door.
          __ Absolutely totally worthless.
APPEARANCE: __ Extremely neat and clean.
            __ Looks great on his day off.
            __ Flies take him over fresh manure.
            __ Dirt, filthy, smelly, and ugly.
PERFORMANCE: __ Works hard if money is involved.
             __ Does great work--at evaluation time.
             __ Works well after ten cups of coffee.
             __ Couldn't do less if he were in a coma.
LEADERSHIP: __ Carries chainsaw and gets good results.
            __ Macho attitude. Commands total disgust.
            __ One time some listened to him whine.
            __ Unable to lead even the most ignorant.
I understand that I have been counseled and understand
my rights under the privacy act of 1974. I further
acknowledge that I am as stupid as a football bat,
and I will make some attempt to correct my deficiencies.
                                   Employee signature

Vending machine

After many unhappy replies from our current
vending service we decided that what they
really needed was a different form letter
that was more closely tied to their true
        BFD Vending Service
Thank you for your inquiry/comments/complaints
about our vending service.
___ We are aware that _____________ machine
has not been stocked in _____ days.
  __ We are waiting for the weekend.
  __ We are out of items that have expired.
  __ We're busy, don't bother us about this.
  __ We don't care.
___ We are aware that the price for _______
seems high at $_______ but,
  __ we have to make a living.
  __ we use an algorithm 3*retail+your_age.
  __ we charge others more.
  __ we adjust it to allow for spoilage.
___ We are aware that
  __ the sodas are warm
  __ the milk is curdled
  __ sandwiches are stale
  __ gum is hard
  __ candy bars are petrified
     and assure you that that is
     the way it is supposed to be, really.
___ We understand that
  __ the bill changer can't,
  __ coin return won't,
  __ product selection doesn't,
     and believe that
  __ you should relax, it all evens out.
  __ learn to live with it.
  __ bring in your own change next time.
  __ be happy it gave you anything.
  __ quit eating so much junk food.
Thank you and Happy Eating.

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